
Things I Learned In The Past Week

1: My idea of a healthy dinner for small children is not "acceptable" in many households. It's ice cream. Not the souls of deceased pets.

2: Listening to Green Day makes me want to start a revolution!

GIF - Fall Out Boy

3: I aspire to be as cool and confident as Hayley Williams one day, more dreams that I will never accomplish because I'm lazy.
World Wharf II Bob's Burgers finale

4: I don't suck at writing uplifting posts as much as I thought since the feedback from Shut Up And Eat That Slice Of Cake was wonderful, thank you all.

5: I found the post that describes my entire life.

6: I can't even understand what I'm talking about sometimes.

7: Once you get over the taste of blood in your mouth, running isn't that bad.

When he was seriously relatable when it came to being athletic. | 31 Times Patrick Stump Ruined All Other Men For You

8: My neighbors are Satans offspring.

Bob's Burgers / Louise Belcher

9: If you start to grow out your faux hawk you will look like Jim Carrey from Dumb and Dumber.
I got Lloyd Christmas from "Dumb and Dumber"! Which Jim Carrey Character Are You? Yup. That's me.

10: I can't afford to like anymore bands, if I like anymore I'll end up broke and living in a ditch.
All Time Low ❤


Shut Up And Eat That Slice Of Cake

Do you know what I'm tired of?

I mean besides Kanye West being SO love with himself.

Body-hate, more importantly self-body-hate. I like to scroll though Pinterest, mostly looking a bands and stupid cartoons but every once in awhile I stumble upon a post with a caption like "OMG I'm so ugly." under a size 0 model who works for American Eagle. It gets very depressing sometimes, but before I go on let me make a couple of points.

1: Everyone is a different size and shape. Some people are a natural size 0 and some are a natural size 20, no biggie. We are all made a certain way. Don't judge someone just because of their waistline and don't hate yourself because you're not a size 0. The average size for a woman in America is 14, and these stupid body challenge fad are so immature and just ridiculous, I mean the bully button challenge? Do they not realize how much science has to be involved in order for your fingers to even reach half-way to your stomach. It's really stupid.

2: Don't judge someone. You're a size 12, she's a size 6. Big whoop.  If you're at a healthy BMI then you're are fine. You're growing up, you're body hasn't even finished maturing so what you look like as a teenager doesn't mean you're staying that way at twenty. Quite bringing someone down because of their body size, some are naturally curvy and others are slim.

3: Don't even think about it. Don't starve yourself to be a certain size. Starving or vomiting isn't going to make everything okay, instead it's going to give you future health issues and make it harder as an adult to lose weight because you're body is going to store every little bit of fat it can in order to keep you alive.

That being said I know how to difficult it is to be happy about how you look all the time, in fact I'm probably the least qualified person to be giving advice on this subject. It's alright to think you look like crap once in awhile, but don't think it everyday because hating yourself is going to hold yourself back from being what you what to be and achieving what you want to do. You're beautiful, you're smart, you're talented. Plus you're so used to seeing your features that you have absolutely no idea how you appear to a stranger. So shut up with your destructive words.

Great way to motivate yourself to be #healthy and #fit. Page dedicated to all fit people and dieters of pinterest.: Great way to motivate yourself to be #healthy and #fit. Page dedicated to all fit people and dieters of pinterest.


I'm A Pro!

Ahem, as you may have noticed I re-designed my blog. 


But the only difference this time is that I did it! Thank God for google! I actually enjoyed doing it, which is saying something because I usually can't stay focused on stuff likea this. Which is why I'm opening a design shop! Look on my sidebar for information! I'm so professional!