Just to be clear I do not Trick or Treat, I didn't even really like to Trick or Treat when I was little, it gave my anxiety since I'm weird like that, since I was petrifed of kid nappers.
I mean you're basically begging for sugar on a strangers doorstep, how in the world is that not pathetic? My family isn't even doing Trick or Treating this year (we have several small children), we're just having a party and watching horror movies which I like better because that's what I do everyday anyway. But I do like to walk around my house in full make up on Halloween, like a drag queen. So I need your help and suggestions on what I should go as. So far I have three options.
1: Gerard Way from I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
2: 2005 Pete Wentz.
3: Heath Ledger Joker
Why are all my costume ideas men? Anyway just leave a comment on what I should do. Plus who's excited to stuff their faces with candy?