

Ahem, I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED IN LIKE A MONTH! Okay I've been pretty much M.I.A and I apologize. Life got super busy and school started and a whole bunch a busy has been going on but now it's back to the norm and I can come back to bless you all with band GIFS and my sarcasm, I'm sure you've missed it.

20 Crazy Facts About The Making Of “The Nightmare Before Christmas”...this is crazy


 Anyway I will be posting the going on's of my life so stick around for that. But I do need your advice. Since it's October, the most A-MAZI-NG month of the year (Seriously October is the only moth I actually love, the rest I just tolerate and don't even get me started on February.) I need your advice on Halloween makeup.

Just to be clear I do not Trick or Treat, I didn't even really like to Trick or Treat when I was little, it gave my anxiety since I'm weird like that, since I was petrifed of kid nappers.

I mean you're basically begging for sugar on a strangers doorstep, how in the world is that not pathetic? My family isn't even doing Trick or Treating this year  (we have several small children), we're just having a party and watching horror movies which I like better because that's what I do everyday anyway. But I do like to walk around my house in full make up on Halloween, like a drag queen. So I need your help and suggestions on what I should go as. So far I have three options.

1: Gerard Way from I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
2: 2005 Pete Wentz.
3: Heath Ledger Joker

Why are all my costume ideas men? Anyway just leave a comment on what I should do. Plus who's excited to stuff their faces with candy?