
How The Foo Fighters Concert Was The Best Concert In The History Of Concerts

Granted, I've only been to three other concerts in my life (not including The Wiggles when I was four) which were the Monumentour tour with Fall Out Boy, New Poltics, and Paramore last year, Fall Out Boy Boy's Of Zummer this year and DUN DUN DUN DUN One Direction.

Yes, I said One Direction. I, Chloee Barker lover of Rock and Roll and hater of all things frilly went to a One Direction concert. I was going though a boy-band phase, at fourteen. I'm not proud.

So I don't have a lot of concert experince BUT I don't need that to tell me that Foo Fighters on Wednesday was the best I will probably ever see.

We got at the venue and bought our merchandise, because what's the point of going if you're not going to buy SOMETHING to remember it all. I got their LP of Sonic Highways, which I will treasure until the day I die. We found our seats, which were even better then I thought they were going to be and Royal Blood opened up for them, which if you don't know them then I suggest you stop whatever you're doing and go listen to them.

They sound like a five-man band but it's just two British dudes on the guitar and the drums and the lead signer/guitarist is just A-MAZ-ING. I don't think they remember what city they were in though because he kept referring to the audience as "Missouri" but they were great! After that we probably waited about 25-30 minutes for Foo Fighters to take the stage.

Anyway about 8:00 is when they dimmed the lights an pulled up the curtain.

And they started playing, I was just in awe. First, because Dave Grohl is my absolute idol so I didn't really process what was going on because I was just like "He really is real!" so I just clapped and head bang along to the rhythm and tried not to freak out.

They started off by playing "Monkey Wrench" and "Everlong" and they played I think at least one or three song from each of their albums and a few snippit covers of Van Halen, Queen, and Rolling Stones. He dedicated "Best of You." to their crew and then hoped off his thorne and started to play acoustic versions of "Skin and Bones" and "My Hero."

It was just song after song and I was in absoulte heaven.

 He joked with the audiences the entire time and made sure to tell them how he broke his leg. He just was a really down to earth guy while he played, and they played for THREE hours straight and there was a lot of energy on stage, it wasn't at all boring or seemed force. It was just the best I have or will probably ever see.

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